Tulcea-Sulina-Tulcea Transport
Navrom, the big ferry, leaves from Sulina at 7.00 am daily in the summer months; except Saturdays the rest of the year.
From Tulcea at 1.30 pm daily (except Sundays out of high season). No reservations or bookings possible. Visit the website for further information or eventual changes. Tickets sold before departure only.
www.navromdelta.ro TEL : +4 0240-519.008; +4 0240-511.553.
Fast boat Diana, 70 seats. from Sulina at 06.50/11.30 daily. from Tulcea at 13.00. TEL: +40 720303893; +40 737259337.
Call one day before for booking.
Water Taxi: small boats, under 20 seats. Call for booking and to find out the timetables. In the high season there are more than 10 charters every day.
www.sulinatrans.ro TEL: +40 748369173 www.plajasulina.ro TEL: +40 731.511.000
www.excursii-delta-dunarii.ro TEL: +40 752 917 592 www.ecodeltatrip.ro TEL: +40 742529011 Nautica Sulina TEL: +40 747 976 427 Fly boat delta TEL: +40 757 888 787
Sulina Danube Trip TEL: +40 737 224 050